The Evil One will kill the soul January 11, 2025

Universal Utterings

for January 11, 2025

A Godcast


01-11-25 1 John 5 v1621 The one begotten by God He protects

The First Letter of John Chapter 5 V- 16 through 21

16 If anyone sees his brother sinning, if the sin is not deadly, he should pray to God and he will give him life. This is only for those whose sin is not deadly. There is such a thing as deadly sin, about which I do not say that you should pray.17 All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin that is not deadly.18 We know that no one begotten by God sins; but the one begotten by God he protects, and the evil one cannot touch him. 19 We know that we belong to God, and the whole world is under the power of the evil one. 20 We also know that the Son of God has come and has given us discernment to know the one who is true. And we are in the one who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.21 Children, be on your guard against idols.

In 1 John 5:16-21, the Apostle John provides profound insights into the nature of sin, the power of intercession, and the eternal life that believers possess. He urges us to pray for those who commit sins not leading to death, reminding us of the grace available to those who seek repentance. Yet, he starkly contrasts this with the reality of sin leading to death, indicating a serious warning against unrepentant hearts.

John concludes with a powerful affirmation: "We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the Evil One." This statement serves as a sobering reminder of the pervasive influence of evil in our world. The Evil One, often identified as Satan, seeks to deceive, destroy, and separate us from the love of God. The world, in its fallen state, is indeed under his sway, constantly bombarding us with temptations and falsehoods.

However, for those who are truly surrendered to God's love, this power holds no dominion. The love of God not only protects us but also empowers us to overcome the darkness. Even in the face of persecution or death, we can find solace in the promise of eternal life. Our souls are anchored in the joy of salvation, which transcends any earthly suffering.

As we navigate a world rife with evil, we must remember that Christ has already triumphed over sin and death. His love is our shield, and His truth is our guide. Let us remain steadfast in faith, embracing the eternal life that is ours in Him, and shining His light into the darkness. Amen.

Join me as we pray our daily prayer of forgiveness. The Lord’s Prayer.

At the Savior's command and formed by divine teaching, we dare to say:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Deliver us, Lord, we pray, from every evil, graciously grant peace in our days, that, by the help of your mercy, we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress, as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.

I am sorry Lord. I believe You died and rose for me. Please forgive me as I forgive others. I share You as my Lord and Savior seeking to live your Will in all things. Prayers for wife Toni and my mother Betty pray for our children especially our two oldest Alexandra & Allen Son in Law Mark Stern; Julian, Gabriel and Jeffrey and our grandchildren Oliver, Julian and Elliott. We pray for those we’ve said we’d pray for and those who’ve asked us to pray for them. Steve Claire life. We pray for the dying as we do each day Lord give them peace in their last breath. We pray for Holy Mother Church. Our prayers for our niece Brittany. In Jesus Precious Blood by His Name we pray. Amen.

I am a poet obedient to Christ,

Catholic Evangelist Thomas Cruz†Wiggins

†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†®

Ephesians 6:17-20

01-11-2025 1 John 5 v1621

**The one begotten by God He protects**

In shadows deep, where darkness lies,

The Evil One, with cunning guise,

Lurks in the world, his whispers sly,

Yet we are safe, for love draws nigh.

With hearts surrendered, we stand tall,

In grace and truth, we hear His call,

For those who wander, lost in sin,

We lift our prayers, love drawing in.

Sin leads to death, a heavy chain,

But mercy reigns, our hope remains,

In every struggle, we find our way,

Eternal life, our bright array.

The world may tremble, fear may swell,

But in His love, all fears dispel,

Though bodies break and shadows loom,

Our souls rejoice, in Him we bloom.

Children of God, we stand apart,

With faith ignited, a steadfast heart,

For in His light, the darkness fades,

His love endures, our fears allayed.

So let us walk, in joy, in peace,

With every trial, our faith increase,

In prayer and love, we find our might,

For we are His, and He is light. Amen.

© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins

January 11, 2025 @ 06:27 AM EST

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**† God First Ministries, Inc. is a Roman Catholic Lay Ministry not sponsored by The Church but is accepted by the IRS as a Religious Charitable Org. and is exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations made through PayPal using [email protected], mailed to 1350 Aldo Rd. Babson Park, FL 33827, or given to GFM are tax deductible. †**

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