Universal Utterings
for January 19, 2025
A Godcast
01-19-25 1 Corinth 12 v0411 The Same Spirit Produces All of These
First Corinthians Chapter 12 V- 4 and 11
4 There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; 5 there are different forms of service but the same Lord; 6 there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. 7 To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit. 8 To one is given through the Spirit the expression of wisdom; to another the expression of knowledge according to the same Spirit; 9 to another faith by the same Spirit; to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit;10 to another mighty deeds; to another prophecy; to another discernment of spirits; to another varieties of tongues; to another interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit produces all of these, distributing them individually to each person as he wishes.
In 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, the Apostle Paul emphasizes the diversity of spiritual gifts within the body of Christ, all given by the same Holy Spirit. He highlights that while there are various gifts—wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, tongues, and interpretation—each one is bestowed by the Spirit for the common good. This passage serves as a profound reminder of the importance of the Holy Spirit's role in guiding believers toward a life that reflects the love and teachings of Jesus Christ.
To live a life fully submitted to the Spirit means embracing His guidance and wisdom at every moment. It is not merely about practicing certain behaviors or following rules; it is a complete surrender to God’s will. By immersing ourselves in the Word of God, we allow the Spirit to mold our thoughts and actions, leading us to honor Jesus in all we do. This daily commitment to living within the Scriptures fosters a deeper understanding of our purpose and the gifts we possess.
When we recognize that our spiritual gifts are meant to serve others, we cultivate a community that reflects Christ's love. The Spirit unifies us, reminding us that we are all integral parts of the body of Christ, each with a unique role to play. Our lives become a testimony of His grace as we engage with one another, using our gifts to uplift and support.
In essence, living in alignment with the Spirit demands more than just occasional effort; it calls for an ongoing submission to God's will, a dedication to honoring Jesus Christ with our entire being. Amen.
Join me as we pray our daily prayer of forgiveness. The Lord’s Prayer.
At the Savior's command and formed by divine teaching, we dare to pray:
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Deliver us, Lord, we pray, from every evil, graciously grant peace in our days, that, by the help of your mercy, we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress, as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.
I am sorry Lord. I believe You died and rose for me. Please forgive me as I forgive others. I share You as my Lord and Savior seeking to live your Will in all things. Prayers for wife Toni and my mother Betty pray for our children especially our two oldest Alexandra & Allen Son in Law Mark Stern; Julian, Gabriel and Jeffrey and our grandchildren Oliver, Julian and Elliott. We pray for those we’ve said we’d pray for and those who’ve asked us to pray for them. Steve Claire life. We pray for the dying as we do each day Lord give them peace in their last breath. We pray for Holy Mother Church. Our prayers for our niece Brittany. In Jesus Precious Blood by His Name we pray. Amen.
I am a poet obedient to Christ,
Catholic Evangelist Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†®
Ephesians 6:17-20
01-19-2025 1 Corinth 12 v0411
**The Same Spirit Produces All of These**
In the body of Christ, diverse and grand,
Gifts of the Spirit, like grains of sand.
Wisdom and knowledge, faith intertwined,
Each one a treasure, uniquely defined.
Healing and miracles, hope they bestow,
Prophecy whispers what future can show.
Tongues that uplift, interpretation's grace,
Together we gather, united in place.
The Spirit's sweet call, a symphony clear,
Guiding our hearts, dispelling all fear.
Each gift is a beacon, a light to proclaim,
Together we shine, forever the same.
Not for our glory, but for the divine,
To serve one another, in love we align.
Each moment a canvas, each act a decree,
In honoring Jesus, we’re truly set free.
So let us remember, with each passing day,
To walk in His wisdom, and follow His way.
For in every heartbeat, in all that we do,
The Spirit unites us, in love ever true. Amen.
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins
January 19, 2025 @ 05:04 AM EST
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**† God First Ministries, Inc. is a Roman Catholic Lay Ministry not sponsored by The Church but is accepted by the IRS as a Religious Charitable Org. and is exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations made through PayPal using [email protected], mailed to 1350 Aldo Rd. Babson Park, FL 33827, or given to GFM are tax deductible. †**
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